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Chemical Grouting 

Water that infiltrates through leaking manholes costs Waste Water Treatment plants thousands of dollars each year. Studies that have been done show that the main sources of water infiltration comes through structurally-unsound manholes. We can stop infiltration using strategic practices and specially designed products.  

Costs of Treating Unwanted Ground Water 

A manhole that is leaking at 5 gallons per minute will produce 2,628,000 gallons of water into the WWTP (Waste Water Treatment Plant) per year. The average cost of a gallon of water is .0036 cents per gallon, which comes out to be $9,460.00 per year. The return on investment can be made up within 2 months of fixing the issues at the root of the problem. 

Joint Leak

Structure Leak

The image shown below is a manhole with a high volume leak that was sealed with various types of chemical grout.


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